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Evidence for a cell phone-cancer link is more tenuous than ever

Evidence for a cell phone-cancer link is more tenuous than ever 150 150 Adam Grossman

In May 2016, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) released partial and preliminary findings from a series of 2-year studies designed to test whether cell phones can cause cancer. As we…

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Personal exposure monitoring could be the next driver of litigation

Personal exposure monitoring could be the next driver of litigation 150 150 Adam Grossman

One of the main impediments to understanding environmental drivers of disease is having an accurate assessment of exposure.  This article shows why this barrier is beginning to vanish by detailing…

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Research on Dads’ environmental exposures and the implications for liability insurance

Research on Dads’ environmental exposures and the implications for liability insurance 150 150 Bob Reville

The Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) today has a fascinating review piece about the growing research on fathers’ environmental exposures and children’s developmental injuries. The article mentions that the earliest study…

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Praedicat and AIG publish white paper on additive manufacturing

Praedicat and AIG publish white paper on additive manufacturing 150 150 Adam Grossman

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has the potential to revolutionize many industries.  But like any new innovation, it creates new risks. The Praedicat approach to risk identification is…

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Praedicat Raises $6 Million in Series AA Financing Round to Accelerate Emerging Risk Modeling for Casualty Insurance

Praedicat Raises $6 Million in Series AA Financing Round to Accelerate Emerging Risk Modeling for Casualty Insurance 150 150 Praedicat

Praedicat is pleased to announce that it has completed a $6 million Series AA round of financing. Frank McMahon, a new investor, and existing investors Jacques Dubois and RMS participated.…

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Praedicat and AIG publish white paper on additive manufacturing

Praedicat and AIG publish white paper on additive manufacturing 150 150 Praedicat

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has the potential to revolutionize many industries. But like any new innovation, it creates new risks. The Praedicat approach to risk identification is…

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NTP prepares to classify antimony trioxide as a carcinogen

NTP prepares to classify antimony trioxide as a carcinogen 150 150 Adam Grossman

The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) recently completed its draft evaluation of antimony trioxide as a human carcinogen. While the draft is still open for peer review and comment, the…

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Monkey cloning could significantly advance our understanding of environmental contributors to disease

Monkey cloning could significantly advance our understanding of environmental contributors to disease 150 150 David Loughran

Scientists announced a biomedical breakthrough last Wednesday with the first successful cloning of a primate.  Ethical issues abound, but the scientific community is excited by the possibility that the ability…

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Meet the Modeler

Meet the Modeler 150 150 Praedicat

Melissa Boudreau, VP of Modeling for Praedicat, has not only created a model of the occurrence form that could revolutionize how insurers and re-insurers view liability loss, she is also…

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Latency Catastrophe and the Occurrence Form

Latency Catastrophe and the Occurrence Form 150 150 Praedicat

Latency catastrophes such as asbestos, pollution, and pharmaceutical litigation have caused insurance companies to pay out billions of dollars in lawsuits. In addition, the ambiguity of allocating these claims to…

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Emerging Risk Technology Improves Industrial Innovation

Emerging Risk Technology Improves Industrial Innovation 150 150 Praedicat

Understanding emerging risk management is a primary concern for many advanced organizations. As the world’s first “Liability Cat” modeling company, Praedicat is changing the way organizations and insurance companies view…

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A Burgeoning Opportunity

A Burgeoning Opportunity 150 150 Praedicat

“Casualty insurers are hungry for that sort of innovation, for the same sort of transformation in liability that happened in property,” Dr. Robert Reville, CEO of Praedicat. RMS Exposure recently…

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